
Place: Hotel Panorama, 8A Hart Avenue, TST, Kowloon (Exit N1, TST MTR Station)
Speaker: Miss Eman TAI
Lunch Fee: HKD300
About the Speaker :
Miss Eman TAI graduated from The University of Hong Kong with her Bachelor Degree in Laws (LLB) and Postgraduate Studies in Law (PCLL). With the professional legal qualification, she is well versed with the local and international banking laws and compliance standards, and has extensive knowledge in legal drafting and research. She has well over 5 years of legal and compliance advisory experience to corporate senior management and is responsible for all matters in respect of the legal and compliance affairs in connection to local law and regulations (e.g. Regulatory and AML Compliance)
Eman has also been appointed as an Independent Non Executive Director (INED) of a Hong Kong Mainboard listed company and is being charged with the responsibility for maintaining overall governance and oversight of compliance and risks as well as managing relationship with regulators to ensure the company complies with all applicable rules and regulations. In addition, she sits on the Audit Committee and Corporate Governance Committee to oversee the internal control framework and corporate conduct of the company.
Eman now works as the Chief Compliance Officer in a foreign bank.
Hong Kong
All Dates
- 26 March 2018 12:30 - 14:00