Event Finished

Date: 11 February 2019 12:45 - 14:00
Place: Hotel Panorama, 8A Hart Avenue, TST, Kowloon (Exit N1, TST MTR Station)
Speaker: Dr. Lawrence PANG
Speech Title: Chinese Wisdom & International Relations
Lunch Fee: HKD330
About the Speaker :
The Rise of China in the past few decades has drawn global attention. Many countries are wondering why such an “economic miracle” could be achieved within such a short time. Unfortunately, this also aroused American’s rivalry worrying about its dominant international leadership is being challenged. What is Chinese wisdom and why all these happened? Dr. Pang tries to explore answers to these questions from the viewpoint of Chinese wisdom.
Dr. Pang Wang-kee, Lawrence
Ph. D., MBA, B.Sc, Dip. M., Fellow, HKIM
Managing Director, Prophecy Capital Ltd.
President, The Academy of Chinese Wisdom & Mgt.
Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University & City University of HK
Professor of Practice: HKU Centenial College
Honorary Advisors of: HK Baptist University; City University of HK; HK Institute of Marketing, HK Institute of Vocational Education, HK Taoist Associaton.
Founding President, The Society of Chinese Wisdom & Management
Coach, HK Police Chinese Martial Arts Association
Honorary President, HK International Martial Arts Festival
Central Policy Unit, HK Govt.
Deputy Managing Director, Laser Computer Ltd.
Ph. D., MBA, B.Sc, Dip. M., Fellow, HKIM
Managing Director, Prophecy Capital Ltd.
President, The Academy of Chinese Wisdom & Mgt.
Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University & City University of HK
Professor of Practice: HKU Centenial College
Honorary Advisors of: HK Baptist University; City University of HK; HK Institute of Marketing, HK Institute of Vocational Education, HK Taoist Associaton.
Founding President, The Society of Chinese Wisdom & Management
Coach, HK Police Chinese Martial Arts Association
Honorary President, HK International Martial Arts Festival
Central Policy Unit, HK Govt.
Deputy Managing Director, Laser Computer Ltd.
Dedicated to promote application of Chinese culture and wisdom in modern society and organizations.
中國人民大學博士、香港中文大學工商管理碩士,香港大學理學士。現任及前任: 博思資本有限公司董事總經理、中華智慧管理學院院長、中華智慧管理學會創會會長、香港浸會大學商學院副協席教授、香港道教聯會顧問、香港警察中國國術會教練、媒體及專欄作家。香港政府中央政策組諮詢組員、香港市務學會會長、院士及顧問等公職。彭氏是香港最早從事中國貿易的先驅者之一,曾主管多家中外著名企業,涉獵不同行業,九十年代獨力拓展中國大陸市場,建立全國網絡,成為香港及國內最成功的企業家之一,成績斐然。近年致力弘揚中華文化的現代應用,專研中西哲學、音樂武術、氣功禪道,修練及教授文武與養生之道。並致力融和中西智慧於現代企業,創「六慧管理」。 著有《於無聲處》、《遵道而行》、《靜待黎明》、《智慧的追尋》等。
中國人民大學博士、香港中文大學工商管理碩士,香港大學理學士。現任及前任: 博思資本有限公司董事總經理、中華智慧管理學院院長、中華智慧管理學會創會會長、香港浸會大學商學院副協席教授、香港道教聯會顧問、香港警察中國國術會教練、媒體及專欄作家。香港政府中央政策組諮詢組員、香港市務學會會長、院士及顧問等公職。彭氏是香港最早從事中國貿易的先驅者之一,曾主管多家中外著名企業,涉獵不同行業,九十年代獨力拓展中國大陸市場,建立全國網絡,成為香港及國內最成功的企業家之一,成績斐然。近年致力弘揚中華文化的現代應用,專研中西哲學、音樂武術、氣功禪道,修練及教授文武與養生之道。並致力融和中西智慧於現代企業,創「六慧管理」。 著有《於無聲處》、《遵道而行》、《靜待黎明》、《智慧的追尋》等。
+852 90131251
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8A Hart Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
All Dates
- 11 February 2019 12:45 - 14:00
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