
Place: Hotel Panorama, 8A Hart Avenue, TST, Kowloon (Exit N1, TST MTR Station) | City: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Speaker: IPP Deepak SHAHANI
Speech Title: Social Etiquette and Table Manners
Lunch Fee: HKD330
About the Speaker :
Mr. Deepak SHAHANI was born and raised in Hong Kong. He attended an ESF school namely Gleanely School and Island School. He is ethnically Indian where his family emigrated to Hong Kong in the 70’s for business reasons. He went on to earn a Business Degree at The American University in Washington DC, with a specialization in Finance and Information Systems. One of the extracurricular classes he took in his university days included workshops on social etiquette and how to conduct business meetings. After returning to Hong Kong from his post secondary school education, he entered the field of real estate consultancy and is busy finding clients their dream homes or offices.
Deepak is an active Rotarian and took on the post of President in the Year 2017-2018 after holding several positions such as Sargeants at Arms, Secretary, President Elect and Chairperson of the Fundraising Dinner in 2017.
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
All Dates
- 01 April 2019 12:45 - 14:00