
Place: Hotel Panorama, 8A Hart Avenue, TST, Kowloon (Exit N1, TST MTR Station) | City: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Speaker: Dr. Avax CHAN
Speech Title: Preventive Medicine - Telomere Analysis Technology (TAT)
Lunch Fee: HKD330
About the Speaker :
Prof. Dr. Avax CHAN, PhD, ND, NP
- President of AIAS Global Academy of Medicine for Peace
- Visiting Professor at National Institute of Integrative Medicine, Australia
- Dr. Bill Andrews & defytime science Japan designated Telomere Science & Treatments Training Doctor
- Training Doctor and Examiner of Naturopathic Medicine at American Academy of Procedural Medicine
- Council Member & Academic Chair of the Chartered Society of Integrative Medicine
- Lecturer of Naturopathy Programs at CUHK SCS (2011- 13)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
All Dates
- 25 November 2019 12:45 - 14:00