
Place: Hotel Panorama, 8A Hart Avenue, TST, Kowloon (Exit N1, TST MTR Station) | City: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Speaker: Dr. Connie SUNG
Speech Title: Round Table Discussion: Positive School-to Work Transition for Youth with Developmental Disabilities
Lunch Fee: HKD330
About the Speaker :
Dr. Connie SUNG is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University (MSU). She received her BSc and MPhil in Occupational Therapy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and her PhD in Rehabilitation Psychology from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Sung is a Fellow of the MSU C-RAIND (https://raind.msu.edu/). She also serves as a Co-director of Spartan Project SEARCH (https://spartanprojectsearch.msu.edu/) and MSU-DOCTRID Hegarty Fellows Program (http://www.doctrid.ie/research/msu-hegarty-fellows.php). Dr. Sung founded the STEP research lab (http://sungtransitionlab.educ.msu.edu/) which focuses on developing community-based interventions to improve transition outcomes of youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities. She has over 60 publications and has received the prestigious Mary E. Switzer Research Fellowship, the New Career in Rehabilitation Education Award and three other research awards.
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
All Dates
- 06 January 2020 12:45 - 14:00