
Place: Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel
Speaker: Mr. Simon CASTLEY
Speech Title: sewAID (www.sewAID.com)
Lunch Fee: HKD400
About the Speaker :
Mr. Simon CASTLEY is the Managing Director of SewGroup International Asia Division, which is a group of companies fully dedicated in the industry of Home Sewing with a core focus on Haberdashery !
Simon moved to Hong Kong in 1992 with the passion to take our Australian designed products to the world, and this surely has proven to be a “smart move" as this has brought tremendous change, opportunity and success.
Simon has been in this industry his entire working life after leaving School at a young age and working from the bottom up to achieve amazing success and global recognition in the Haberdashery Industry.
As of 2022 Sew group now encompasses over 12 businesses in 4 countries, over 500 staff, Chinese factories, ... factories through France and Greater Europe, several wholesale firms, internationally recognized bands, five consumer websites ….. with the group growing seen each and every year.
Sewgroup products are sold in over 80,000 stores in over 60 countries.
With the success of Sewgroup came the chance to offer something back to the world and so we created SewAid (www.sewAID.com), and it is Simon's pleasure to be able to have this opportunity to present SewAid .
An active, educating, micro business program that is really making a difference. One stitch at a time!
All Dates
- 20 February 2023 12:45 - 14:00