
Place: Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel
Speaker: Dr. Barry DECKER
Speech Title: Pain and the Brain
Lunch Fee: HKD450
About the Speaker :
Dr Barry arrived in Hong Kong in 1990 from Melbourne Australia. He established a presence as a natural health expert while operating The Chiropractic Centre. Over the past three decades he has witnessed significant changes to the fabric of Hong Kong life, but what has been constant is the chronic stress that comes with metropolitan Asian cities and their work ethic. Stress affects a person's health and wellbeing resulting in lower energy, brain fog and advanced ageing. It's for this reason Barry specialises in brain-based Chiropractic to address the underlying root cause of modern day living stress that is causing so many health concerns in people of all ages. The good news is that brain function can be improved in nearly all cases and all ages thereby changing and improving your health and expression of life.
All Dates
- 06 November 2023 12:45 - 14:00