Event Finished

Date: 18 March 2024 12:45 - 14:00
Place: Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel
Speaker: President Marco CHU
Speech Title: Introducing Rotary Club of Shatin
Lunch Fee: HKD450
About the Speaker :
President Marco CHU is an account director, who finished his bachelor degree in the US and returned to HK in 2013. Marco works in the financial data industry for over 9 years, and currently works in the London Stock Exchange Group, Data and Analytics division. His main focus is to engage with financial regulators in HK as well as HKEX. Marco joined the Rotary Club of Shatin in 2015, and through the platform of District 3450, volunteered at multiple projects covering elderly and youth. In his current year as club president, Marco has established two Interact Clubs and shifted the club’s service focus from serving elderly to youth.
朱才俊 Marco 是一位客戶服務代表;於一三年在美國完成學業回港工作;從事證券交易所數據行業服超過九年。現任職倫敦證券交易所集團,數據與分析部門,主要對應香港的監管機構和港交所的數據應用。Marco 於 2015-16年加入沙田扶輪社,並透過扶輪社的平台參與各類義工活動,包括和基督教信義會及鄰舍輔導會的長者服務。另外在今年擔任社長期間先後成立了兩個扶小團,並將重心轉到青少年的服務。
+852 5323 1943
64 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
All Dates
- 18 March 2024 12:45 - 14:00
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